School Partnerships

School Partnerships

We promote and support the Tank School and Howe School community with special student, family, and staff  service projects and incentives. . . literacy, book collections, “hands-on” reading, math, and computer events, root beer floats, fun school wide activities such as “Winter Blizzards”, “Spring Carnival/Fitness Flings”, refreshments, raffle baskets, and student learning assistance throughout the school year.  

Our partnership with Tank School has a long time history. . . one we definitely want to continue and build upon. We recently reached out to the Howe School and have assisted them with a Essay contest and book reorgination. Education, literacy, service, and fun are strong components of the Altrusa Club and our school partnerships.

Email Address:

Mailing Address:
Altrusa International Green Bay
PO Box 5521
DePere, WI 54115-5521